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Hazel Soan
I was beyond thrilled when Hazel Soan, the world renowned watercolor artist agreed to be in this series. Hazel is a true inspiration to me. Her watercolor exudes passion for life and nature. I have learned so much from her many books and videos.
My favorite book from Hazel is African Watercolours, and favorite DVD is 10-minute watercolours. Favorite quote from Hazel, "lay it and leave it." talking about freshness and determination in painting, and also life, isn't it?
Q & A between Hazel and Me
What brings you great joy and why?
Hazel: My painting, particularly watercolour and what I see with my eyes - patterns of light and shade, colour and tone, contour and shape - these things bring me great joy, especially when they take me into the bliss zone. My Christian faith, especially when I get ‘lost' in prayer and feel I am in the close proximity of Jesus, this brings me deep joy. Knowing the people I love are enjoying their lives brings me deep joy. Hearing of acts of kindness, and when things go right when you thought they might go wrong, these bring me great joy…many things bring me great joy!
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